How long does it take to convert to Muslim?

How long does it take to convert to Muslim?
How long does it take to convert to Muslim?

Converting to Islam is a simple and quick process, primarily involving the recitation of the Shahada (declaration of faith). The Shahada is the fundamental statement of Islamic belief:

"Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah"  

(Translation: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.")

Steps to convert:  

Understand the meaning: It is essential to fully comprehend the Shahada's meaning and accept it in your heart.

Recite the Shahada: You may recite it in private or in the presence of witnesses (witnesses are often recommended, especially if done in a mosque).

Belief in core tenets: Besides the Shahada, a new Muslim must believe in the six articles of faith in Islam (belief in God, angels, holy books, prophets, the Day of Judgment, and divine decree).

Time to Convert:  

Reciting the Shahada and officially becoming Muslim can take just a few minutes. However, many people spend time learning about Islam, contemplating their decision, and preparing spiritually before formally converting.

Once the Shahada is recited, the individual is considered a Muslim. There’s no need for a prolonged process or approval from religious authorities.

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